The bottle made of this product is highly transparent, not easily broken, easy to surface modification, and meets the FDA's food contact standards. In addition to the transparency of the product like glass, it also has good flexibility and good gloss, chemical corrosion resistance, impact resistance, and easy processing, injection molding and blow molding, producing a unique shape appearance and special effects, so it is widely used in a variety of high-grade cosmetics and food packaging. In the field of sheet metal, it can be used to prepare and process transparent materials 1~25.4mm thick, which has outstanding toughness and high impact strength, and impact strength is 3~10 times that of acrylic; And because it is not easy to crystallize, cold bending is not white, easy to print and modify, so that a variety of sheets and plates made of this product are widely used in indoor and outdoor signs, storage shelves, vending machine panels, furniture, construction and mechanical baffles. Because of its good compatibility with other materials, it is also used to produce various sheets with other materials, such as GAG, G-APET, etc.